15 Truths about Life


15 Truths about Life

26th Apr 2020 @ 20:36 By: Ugbana

These are 15 Facts and Truth about life. You may agree to some and dislike some but its the truth. They are as follows:

Your birth is all a game. You could be born into a wealthy, happy, poor, cursed or abusive family. It’s like spin the wheel. And you can’t control it. It’s best NOT to complain about your problems to others. 20% of the time, they do not care, 80% they are glad you have them. We want people doing well, but not better than us. No one will save you. Your life is your responsibility, so you should learn to defend yourself. There is a 99.9% chance that people are friends with you because of your status/looks/money, and NOT because of you as a person. Don’t try to be the hero 24/7. Remember, as you are saving others, more people have died around you already. A woman can ruin a man’s life in one false accusation. There is no real reason to be alive. One day, someone will say your name for the last time. People are selfish. Selflessness where? People probably do things because they think they will get something in return. Every single baby is born selfish. Sometimes with the person that means a lot to you, you mean nothing to them. No matter what you do, some people will hate you anyway. Out of all relationships you have, only one of them succeed. Social media is destroying lives of the young, robbing the young of innocence. One day Mother Nature will stop existing and humans will go extinct forever.
In addition to the above, I will add the proverb my mum told me when I was little. She said:

If a small child that is not strong enough carries another, both will fall to the ground and the carrier will sustain more injury.
This simply means, If you are not financially independent, you should stop giving out the little you have because people will ask you what you used your money for when you dont have much anymore.
